Sorry for my absents. I couldn't seem to keep up with the events that took place this summer.
Wow! Summer seemed to be a whirlwind that was here and gone in a hurry. I'll keep it short and simple...
*June...Kitchen flooded. (Dishwasher is to blame.)
No big deal, right?
Can you say Asbestos?
Apparently it was underneath the sopping wet, flooded hardwood floors. The
sub flooring in my house had asbestos in it. We had to hire a company to safely remove the flooring down to the bare bones. Yeah...I could see the ceiling of the basement in my kitchen.
*My son kicked a
soccer ball through the kitchen window...ouch!
Time to replace the window anyway, right!
*July...Good News...excuse to remodel!
Don't worry that the floors were only 3 years old and I kinda liked 'em. We had a major mess on our hands!!! What use to be hardwood is now a beautiful tiled kitchen. What use to be a wall that divided the kitchen from the living room...GONE. I now have wide open spaces. A nice new pantry made it's home in place of the wall.
*My son broke his nose while we were on our family vacation. Another OUCH!
I think this is the 1st school year that I have welcomed it with Open Arms. Life seems to be somewhat back to normal for now. (knock on wood.)
Be Back Very Soon.